Friday, March 18, 2005

The Unstoppable Fantasy

Today, Yahoo! News reports that global warming is unstoppable, citing a study done by the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado.

"Even if we stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations, the climate will continue to warm, and there will be proportionately even more sea level rise," said the NCAR's Gerald Meehl, who led one of the two studies.

Hmmmm... Maybe that means that the extremely small climate change we have recorded in this century is (gasp!) natural?

"Virtually no one disagrees human activity is fueling global warming, and a global treaty signed in Kyoto, Japan, aims to reduce polluting emissions. But the world's biggest polluter, the United States, has withdrawn from the 1997 treaty, saying its provisions would hurt the U.S. economy."

1) I disagree - am I no one? (In actuality many of my Agronomy and Meteorology classes at a major Division 1 land-grant state college also taught me that global warming was bunk.)
2)The US pulled out of Kyoto because of the evidence lacking to prove the global warming theory, not because of the economy.

Haven't we already seen enough reasons to ignore these disaster theories? I encourage you to investigate the theory of global warming yourself - it is not fact.

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