Monday, April 04, 2005

Why I Don't Watch CNN

Yesterday I lazily clicked through various news sources on cable television seeing coverage of the death of the Pope. I'm not as foolish as some, and I tend to bounce back between Fox News and CNN to get the opposite sides of the same story. In one such episode, I came upon CNN talking about one of President Bush's last visits to the Vatican - one in which he awarded the Pope the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I obviously had no way to record the voice-over, but here is the jist of how CNN explained the event:

"At the height of the presidential election campaign, President Bush visited the Pope in June and awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The visit was intended to show the American people that the president was more in line with the Pope's policies than the democratic candidate, John Kerry."

I changed the channel. Am I honestly to believe that:

1) the height of the election campaign was in June?
2)that Bush gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom as an election stunt?

I suppose I am supposed to believe those things, but then again, that's why I don't watch CNN (anymore)...

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