Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Bush Administration Discrimiates Against Youth

President Bush is expected to name a nominee to fill departing Justice O'Connor's seat in the next few weeks. Opponents are already criticizing the nomiee as too extreme even though the field remains wide open.

In a novel complaint, activists are complaining that this administration has "shown a pattern of routinely oppressing minorities and catering to big business. It has not appointed a single person under 25 years old to a senior position within the executive or judicial branch. If President Bush does not nominate a young American, it will show once and for all that he takes pleasure in neglcting the needs of the young."

Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts immediately latched on to this new angle of attack and called for and investigation. He said he remembers his youth fondly and fondling many youth, namely Mary Jo Kopechne, who would have made a great Supreme Court Justice if she hadn't been drowned by an intoxicated, young democrat senator.

But I agree. It is time for a member of the younger generation to be place don the Supreme Court. How in the world could such a body operate and carry out the text of the Constitution without the opinion of a young person?

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