Wednesday, September 14, 2005

On Deaf Ears?

I love many of the speeches President Bush has given in the past. His address to the UN today is no exception. Here is my favorite quote:

The United Nations has taken the first steps toward reform. The process will continue in the General Assembly this fall, and the United States will join with others to lead the effort. And the process of reform begins with members taking our responsibilities seriously. When this great institution's member states choose notorious abusers of human rights to sit on the U.N. Human Rights Commission, they discredit a noble effort, and undermine the credibility of the whole organization. If member countries want the United Nations to be respected -- respected and effective, they should begin by making sure it is worthy of respect.

This is a good an necessary dig on the fact that Cuba and China are on the UN Commision for Human Rights. Not only is it encouraging that Bush will take a stance on the ridiculous and blatant corruption at the UN, it's great that he and his administration is willing to make a public statement to that effect.

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