Monday, September 05, 2005

Plea to Help America

Loyal readers, I am urging you today to donate whatever you can afford to make this country a better place for years to come. Many groups on the wrong side of the political spectrum are willing to sacrifice the few Congressional seats the democratic party now controls, and we should do our part to speed their demise.

They are clearly willing to hang themselves over this nomination, which Americans overwhelmingly support.

Here's an actual post at dKos, and I think it's indicative of how most dem organizations feel. I couldn't make this crap up.

"Suppose a Democrat wins in 2008 and has the opportunity to appoint a new justice. Suppose John Edwards is nominated. No one with any degree of sanity could argue that Edwards isn't a "stand-up guy," but that wouldn't stop the Repug attack dogs from making up whatever slimy lies they want about him. And the way things are today, they might succeed in blocking his nomination."

Do his accusations hold water? We can check if they are demonstratably false.

As it turns out, Republicans helped confirm the second-to-last last Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a 96-3 vote in 1993! Justice Stephen Breyer, the last justice ocnfirmed, was approved 87-9 in May 1993 (even over objections that he did not recuse himself in cases where he had admittedly small financial gains at staek). (See more nomination history here) And in 1994, Republicans swept Congress like it had never been swept before.

Democrats are about to turn an opportunity to show they are above blind opposition and care about the future of the country more than partisan bickering into their own trip to the gallows. Bush has nominated a supremely qualified and intelligent candidate and libs are tripping over themselves to stand in front of the speeding bus of public opinion.

I urge you to quickly find a bad cause and donate whatever you can for the ocuntry's long-term benefit. Here are a few of my ideas:

People for the American Way

NARAL Pro-Choice America

Subscribe to the New York Times

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