Thursday, September 15, 2005

Senate Judiciary Democrats Simply Retarded

With all due respect to my colleague from Ohio, Biden is an intellectual giant compared to Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein. The fact that they coul dbe elected to any body, much less a position in the federal legislature, substantially lessens my respect for citizens in the states of Illionois, New York and California.

I will provide transcripts of Durbin's questioning when it is releasesd later today, but he is simply unable to comprehend that courts should not be used to decide political issues. He has time and again reveleaed that his only criteria for positions on the court is support for Roe v. Wade. What Schumer cares about is not how talented, how dedicated to the Constitution, how hard they will work to unite the court and provide sound guidance to Congress, the exective and lower courts; he simply cares about the upholding of a handful of decisions from the past 40 years.

As eloquently as Roberts can explain the difference, these grand retards cannot grasp the difference between jurispudence and policy. I have a hard time deciding who is the worst, it seems the most maddening is simply the one moving their lips. Durbin may take the cake if for no other reaosn than he tries to keep up his imbecillic line of questions long after he's been thoroughly outdone. He shouldn't get any credt for persistence, he's just totally unable to reason at the level of most grown rodents.

It's despicable and degrading that they could occupy seats on this panel less effectively than a cadaver. I didn't used to be rabid anti-Roe, but the more I hear from from these dolts, the more I'm ready to work for free at the NRLC. What an insult to public service these democrats are. I'll post the transcripts soon.

UPDATE by radar:
To help out slowpitch I want to pass on that I've been finding the transcripts at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Website. Here are the transcripts for day three.

UPDATE by slowpitch:
Day foru transcripts can be found at It's not all up yet, but you can find most of their gibberish.

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