Thursday, September 22, 2005

Send in Luttig, Rogers Brown or Ashcroft


Five members of the Senate Judiciary Committee voted against John Roberts. Minority leader Harry Reid has alreayd pledged to vote against him on the Senate floor next week. He will certainly be confirmed, but he should be! There is no doubt in anyone's mind that he is one the most well-qualified nominees in the court's history. Chuck Schumer said so!!!

Ideology has *never* played a role in the Senate's confiramtion of a justice before. As we've mentioned earlier, Ginsburg was confirmed by string majority of Republicans in 1993, and her personal/political views are far more repugnant to Republicans than Roberts' views could be to anyone. But the Senate dems can't bother themselves with ethics, pricniples, or public interest, they have a president to skewer and comity be damned.

If this is what the President gets for nominating an eminently qualified, intellectual powerhouse with at best "modest" conservative views, why in the hell should he look for those qualities in the next justice? Democrats could easily vote for Roberts and have *more* room to bicker about the next one.

If Roberts gets less than 80 votes next week, it's time to nominate someone in the mold of Ann Coulter to a lifetime appointment.

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