Wednesday, October 05, 2005

NYT Editorial Board Gets It Right, Before Getting It Wrong

Today's editorial in the Times urged the Supreme Court to reject federal intervention in Oregon's state assisted suicide law. The arguments they gave first proved why the Supreme Court should block the feds and then undermined the entire liberal playbook. Obviously these are not creatures of reason.

The 1994 Death with Dignity Act was passed an reaffirmed directly by voters. It sets standards about when and how physicians may prescribe methods for patients with a terminal illness to end their lives. As repugnant as the idea may be to some, Oregon *clearly* has a right to make this law and it has been *clearly* supported through a democratic process. People who don't like it shouldn't move to Oregon, or should work to change it in the legitimate, political sphere.

John Ashcroft, normally a principled political servant, attempted to make the law null by saying the federal government government could prosecute doctors who follow the law in Orgeon under the Controlled Substances Act. The NYT editorial board miraculously discovered the principle of federalsim (which they earlier called "obsolete") and, maybe self-depricatingly, let us know that conservatives were right about the principle of a limited government power. Don't worry, NYT-haters, they have short memories and no principles, they'll forget about this argument soon.

The editorial says it's dangerous for the government to use the Controlled Substances Act for something it was not intended for and should defer to voters in the state. Amazingly, these are the right arguments, they are correct, and I'm confident this is the way at least John Roberts will see the case.

The editorial sadly shows the depravity of liberals, however, as zombies without any compunction against half-truths and lies. The NYT is only advancing these arguments because it supports their preferred case outcome, in this case, euthenasia. They would certainly not in a million years apply this logic to abortion, parental consent, environmental laws, education, immigration, welfare, labor issues, or any other public policy debate. Liberals are gruesome parasites determined to weaken families, communities and this country through whatever means are available to them.


I heart Ann, the woman of my dreams.

Her featured statistic for the day:
THE NUMBERS ARE IN! - Final New Orleans death count: 964
French summer heatwave death count: 14,802

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