Monday, October 10, 2005

The Times Makes me Laugh - Again

If you want a daily laugh, don't bother to head to my linked satire pages or editorial cartoons, just check out the New York Times Corrections page, and you'll be sure to get a laugh.

Just today, they have this Earth-shattering correction:

Because of an editing error, an article on Oct. 1 about destruction caused by Hurricane Rita misstated the geographical relationship of Houston and New Orleans. Houston is west of New Orleans, not east.

An editing error? Sounds like more of a serious problem than that. If you go to the original article and look at other articles by the author, Jennifer Steinhauer, you will see that the majority of her recent articles are about the hurricanes in the Gulf. Wouldn't she know that Texas is west of Louisiana? And if it was an "editing error" like the Times claims, why were the editors messing with geographical references in the article?


UPDATE: I've added the Times' correction page to the list of humorous links on the blog. I think it's appropriate...

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