Monday, January 30, 2006

That's Right, Folks - They're Terrorists!

It might just turn out that the Palestinians electing a terrorist cartel with delusions of murdering Jews and destroying Israel might be a good thing after all. First of all, there is no question whether or not US and EU funds going to support the Palestinian Authority are really funding terrorism - the PA now is a terrorist organization. Second, there is no question as to what Palestinians truly want from their government - they want it to kill Jews and destroy Israel. Third, now there is no longer any reason to funnel $400 million to the Palestinians anymore. The PA will need to drastically show that it is interested in peace for us to continue to pay up.

The population of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza totals about 2.4 million. However, according to the AP story if the US and the EU stop funding the terrorists the PA's 137,000 employees might be laid off and it might lead to violence! Wait a minute - 137,000 people on the payroll? Do you mean that almost 6% of the Palestinians work for their US-paid-for government?

The US federal government employs about 640,000 people. Even if the government employed one million people the federal government would only employ one-third of one percent of the US population.

What does that mean? It means that the Palestinians need to govern themselves a bit more efficiently, and it also means that the US $400 million per year isn't exactly buying staplers and copy machines. We have been funding terrorism through the PA for years; with Hamas in charge it's a good excuse to cut them off. I doubt they're going to change their stripes...

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