Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Media, a Pulitzer, Treason, and the Times

See here for an excellent commentary on why the media is flawed, the Pulitzer prize is a joke, and the New York Times editorial board is completely on crack:

Today the Times instructs us: "Even a president cannot wave a wand and announce that an intelligence report is declassified."

Waving a wand is apparently a prerogative reserved to Times executive editor Bill Keller, who made the decision to "declassify" the NSA surveillance program in the pages of the Times. According to Keller, the publication of the NSA story did "not expose any technical intelligence-gathering methods or capabilities that are not already on the public record." Thus Keller waved his wand, and the Times blew the NSA program. Smarter folks than I will have to reconcile the trains of thought at work among the editors of the New York Times.

Good luck with that.

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