Friday, July 15, 2005


The Dallas Morning News has made an interesting declaration. They will no longer follow on in the mainstream media's footsteps and call murderous savages who kill innocents "insurgents" or "militants", but rather they will call them what they are - terrorists.

"People who set off bombs on London trains are not insurgents. We would never think of calling them anything other than what they are - terrorists.

Train bombers in Madrid? Terrorists.

Chechen rebels who take over a Russian school and execute children? Terrorists.

Teenagers who strap bombs to their chests and detonate them in an Israeli cafe? Terrorists.

IRA killers? Basque separatist killers? Hotel bombers in Bali? Terrorists all."

The interesting thing about this post is that I had though about it before - from watching CNN. It's no secret that the media usually refuses to call terrorists what they are, and when I was watching CNN's coverage of the London subway bombings, the reporter on the scene made this interesting statement...

"... the series of terrorists attacks today in London. And yes, that is what the British government and the Prime Minister are calling them, a 'series of terrorist attacks.'"

Stunning. Evidently our elite sources of media can no longer assume that the murderers of innocent civilians in downtown London are "terrorists" - they need to clearly relate that they are using the term only because Tony Blair and the British did. Ridiculous.

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