Friday, January 20, 2006

Global Warming will make Hurricanes Worse!

[Fingers shoved firmly in ears...]

Where do these people get off? There is a common theme in American politics and news that if you repeat a lie enough times people begin to think that it's true. Every time you hear Nancy Pelosi say "culture of corruption" she's hoping that it somehow fuses to your brain so that you regurgitate it on a daily basis.

Anyway, BET thinks that global warming will hurt blacks more than anyone else:

"When you look at the trends and put them all together, it's indisputable that the sea levels are rising," says Ansje Miller, director of the Environmental Justice and Climate Change Initiative (EJCC). "Warmer seas mean more intense hurricanes. You're going to have intense flooding like we have never seen before. Katrina is really the hurricane of the future."

The article goes on to say that minorities and the underprivileged are hurt more by environmental and weather disasters. That part may be true, but the idea that global warming is making hurricanes stronger and larger is not!

Global warming has no effect on the strength and frequency of hurricanes - so says the NOAA.

Why do people keep lying?

Because they hope someone will believe them.

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