Friday, January 20, 2006


I'm not sure how to begin this, but suffice it to say that George Clooney has very rapidly dropped in status to resemble that of America-hating and publicity-starved Sean Penn. At the Golden Globes Clooney decided to accept the award for his anti-American film by dedicating it to Jack Abramoff:

I want to thank Jack Abramoff, you know, just because. I’m the first one out, lets get this thing rolling. I don’t know why. Who would name their kid Jack with the last words ‘off’ at the end of your last name? No wonder that guy is screwed up. Alright I just got bleeped.

What an ass! Is there any other way to describe him? A California paper has published a letter from Jack Abramoff's dad to Clooney. I think it is fairly well written:

My son was named after my beloved departed father. His name, too, was Jack Abramoff. And, were he alive today, would be standing firmly behind his namesake, as his entire family and many more true friends than you will ever know.

Not that it matters to you, I am sure, but the worst part of your tirade is that it played out in front of many young people, including my sweet 12-year-old granddaughter, one of Jack’s five children. Jack did not waste his time watching the garbage spewing from your mouth, but his daughter did. You drove her to a fit of tears. Are you proud of that?

Hollywood has really fallen off the bandwagon. What a bunch of idiots.

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