Thursday, February 16, 2006

A New Delusion...

This post is a shout-out to all who defiantly keep their "Kerry/Edwards '04" bumper sticker on their cars, claim that Bush "stole" the election of 2000, and who may or may not wear tin foil hats. If you've been to Drudge today you now know that there is no election necessary - Hillary will be President in 2008.

The Clinton [wax] statue, crafted at the original Tussauds museum in London, will take its place in a wing dedicated to presidents and other public figures known as "the gallery." There, the likeness of the Democratic senator will join statues of Presidents Bush, Reagan, Kennedy, and her husband, Bill Clinton.

That's right - a one-term senator in the wax museum wing with former presidents. Nice.

Someone should let the curators know that 43% of Americans would vote "no" to Hillary if they had the chance...

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