Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Bush is an Idiot, Right?

Well, isn't that right?

I understand that working for an institution of higher education puts me right in the cross-hairs of one of the most liberal places in the United States. However, I do wonder why people forget that if you ASSume... well, you remember...

It seems to me that the liberal and intellectual elite have forgotten what it means to think for themselves. I was at an event last night when someone made a comment about the Supreme Court. "Well, it used to be fair." Realize, or course, that this comment was made in casual conversation and stated as an obvious fact. No one bothered to make a comment on the contrary (and maybe this person will truly realize how fair the Supreme Court was when her house is demolished for a shopping mall.)

My point is this - it seems that, at least where I reside, that liberalism is tried and true. Anyone who disagrees with this idea is obviously an idiot. That's convenient, isn't it? Surround yourself with people just like you and toss out unsubstantiated opinions as if they were the absolute truth. After all, isn't that why we went to college anyway - to never be challenged in our beliefs?

So the next time someone compares the President of the United States to a primate as if they saw it written like that in the encyclopedia, take a moment to correct them. It seems they may have been watching too much CNN.

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