Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Last night I was again reminded of the US military's struggle in Iraq, and the media's insistence on ignoring it. The History Channel has a new series on called Shootout, which evidently outlines a variety of battles and other events that include some sort of weapons element. It is interesting that this special, on at 1:00 AM on the History Channel on July 20th, contained more information than I had ever received about the battle for Fallujah during the course of the past eight months (and I try to keep up on these sorts of things.)

Why has no major media outlet interviewed the Marines and other servicemen and women of their perilous few weeks killing terrorists in Fallujah? Why didn't CNN ever describe the foreign terrorists from Syria and other Middle Eastern nations that came to live in Fallujah and terrorize it's residents? Why didn't FoxNews interview the Marine officer that, after being hit multiple times by automatic weapons fire, sheltered an unconscious Marine under his command for hours with only his service pistol to protect them?

Why is it that the American media completely ignored every valiant story, every "outside the assumptions" fact, and every positive aspect of our war on terrorism, especially in Iraq?

Furthermore, why do we put up with it?

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